edu_maui_mikoshi2006The Maui Mikoshi Design Contest is an annual event held exclusively for high school students in Maui.

Henry Perrine Baldwin High School won the Maui Mikoshi Design Contest
By: Yuki Lei Sugimura (Japanese Cultural Society of Maui)


The contending schools in the 3rd Annual Maui Mikoshi Design Contest were Kamehameha Schools Maui, Lahainaluna High School and Henry Perrine Baldwin High School.

We thought that the Japanese Americans of Henry Perrine Baldwin High School and their teacher, Ms. Takako Dickinson were winners in various ways. Ms. Dickinson developed a curriculum based on the cultural custom of mikoshi in one of her class. Then, her students designed the mikoshi in which she submitted to the contest. Approximately, 100 individuals including students and teachers were involved in this project. It can be said that this is a wonderful way to teach culture and tradition. Also, there was arson in the nearby classroom, but they were able to manage to submit on time. Hence, we thought that their efforts should be applauded.

デザイン画 Image Courtesy of THE MAUI NEWS

Maui Mikoshi designed by the students of Henry Perrine Baldwin High School
Image Courtesy of THE MAUI NEWS

The mikoshi is a decorated palanquin which will be carried by approximately 40 adults on their shoulders in the parade. Also, the Maui Mikoshi Design Contest is a special program developed by the Honolulu Festival Foundation exclusively for all high schools in Maui. Its purpose is to serve the local communities as well as educating students about Japanese culture.

Moreover, 45 individuals including students and teachers of Henry Perrine Baldwin High School were offered a round trip ticket, hotel voucher and shuttle to participate in the 12th Annual Honolulu Festival which was held from March 11 to March 12. Also, they carried their Maui Mikoshi and paraded on the streets of Waikiki during the Grand Parade on March 12.

Coincidentally, both Kamehameha Schools Maui and Lahainaluna High School each won the previous contest in 2004 and 2005.